Committee Descriptions
Here are the detailed descriptions for each of the ASID Committees.
- Strategic Planning: Reviews and updates chapter's annual strategic plan.
- Legislative: Provides legislative updates and presentations to members and organizes visits to state capitol.
- Community Outreach: Develop programs and integrative community activities.
- Annual Meeting: Membership participation to honor program successes and assess the state of the organization.
- Ethics, Policies, and Procedures: Maintains definitions and descriptions for board and committee positions and handles ethics issues brought forth by the public or members.
- Policy and Guideline Review: Maintains, reviews and updates chapter policies and guidelines.
- Sponsorship
- Foundation: Fundraising for National Foundation campaign.
- Alternative Revenue
- Scholarships: Plan and organize scholarship programs and competitions for students.
- Investment
- Programs/CEUs: Create and organize programs and CEU classes for our members.
- Show House: Showcase the talent and skills of the membership in a showhouse format.
- Student Career Day: Plan and organize annual Student Career Day event.
- Student Enrichment: Plan and organize annual student event with focus on exposing students in trade events or resources.
- Adopt a Design Student: Connect students with Designers/IP members to attend and mentor at ASID events.
- Magazine: Assemble and distribute articles and chapter information for quarterly printed distribution.
- Newsletter: Assemble and distribute articles and chapter information for monthly digital distribution.
- Directory: Update and distribute annual directory information.
- Website and Social Media Outlets: Work with outside media sources to promote TXGC.
- DCH/HDC Liaison: Collect event happenings from DCH and HDC and distribute for members to attend.
- Media Outlet: Plan and implement the annual chapter design awards contest and event celebration.
- Membership: Plan and organize new member orientation, recruitment, and retention events and activities.
- Hospitality: Meet and greet members at programs and events.
- Student Affairs: Visits local universities’ interior design student chapters to promote and inform students of ASID membership value.
- Emerging Professionals: Plan and organize programs and events for designers within first five years of their career after graduation.
- Social Network: Organize monthly networking event for members and prospective members.
- IP Steering
- IP Mentoring: Industry Partner’s sharing, training, and connections.